Monkey Mart

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Discover some management basics in the delightful Monkey Mart game. The main character is a tiny monkey with big entrepreneurial dreams. So the hero decides to launch his own business and opens a little market. Your role is to guide and assist this aspiring entrepreneur in transforming the humble market into a bustling superstore! The journey begins with selling just a few things, but it is clear enough that you need to expand your inventory to attract more visitors and enhance profits. Dive into the immersive experience where you will plant and harvest, and even grow animals to generate additional assortment for sale.

Grow your business!

With each strategic move, you will witness your small idea evolve into a thriving market, complete with a dedicated team of assistants and a stunning array of goods. The project provides an engaging platform for the smallest players to learn how it all works in real life and take their first virtual steps into the world of entrepreneurship. It is quite a long way to success, where you will learn valuable lessons. It’s a fantastic opportunity for kids to understand the intricacies of business while enjoying the excitement of creating their own virtual business empire!

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