Age Of History 3

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Age of History 3, the anticipated sequel in the Age of History series by Łukasz Jakowski, promises to be an expansive and strategic real-time strategy game. Announced in November 2023, the game has generated considerable excitement in the gaming community, especially given the success of its predecessor, Age of History II.

Key new features in Age of History 3 include an expanded building system and the introduction of recruits. The game will feature four types of buildings – economic, administrative, military, and capital – each with its unique functions and bonuses. These structures, which require gold for upkeep and can be upgraded, will be crucial for civilization development. Additionally, the recruit mechanic is a significant addition, differing from Age of History 2. Recruits accumulate over time and are essential for army creation, adding a new layer of depth to military strategy. The game also boasts an enlarged map with more provinces, the inclusion of cities, and dynamic naming of locations based on ownership, enhancing the game’s realism and strategic complexity. With these advancements, Age of History 3 is shaping up to be a highly anticipated title for fans of strategic and historical simulation games.

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